Spin. Six Days. Whew.
The kids like to hear a story read with inflection. Add your own to today’s applicable monosyllabic mammoth: Spin. This kinesthetic beaut sums up the motion of my mouth, brain, and wheels all in one tidy trounce. I like that.
Today Stuart and I conducted three radio interviews for various local stations including 104.7 the Cave, 92.9 Bass Country, Star 105.1, and Q102.1. My favorite part of the interviews was reading a sign that read: “Be interesting, be entertaining, or be quiet.” Well.
I visited local businesses all morning, promoting the Spring Out Springfield Family Jamboree!, and crafted e-mails all afternoon following up and pursuing leads related to sponsorships. I have a few big things to report, but I’m awaiting final details.
In other news, that darned Somewhere Over the Rainbow song made Stuart cry like a little girl (again) today. (Graciously, I’ll spare you the link to the song). Actually, it was the kind note and a donation from a generous friend that had Stuart emptying his Kleenex box, Â but he does maintain that the song (forbidden in our house) was playing at the time he read the note.
The constant generosity of our dear friends, their full kindness, their encouragement, concern, and support is beautiful…dizzying.  We truly appreciate you all.

Jane's Rainbow 4.1.10
Six days.