Feb 10 2010

Dear Mrs. Obama

Kate Murr

Great Cats! I just drafted a letter to Mrs. Obama! Thought I would capatilize on her announcement to tackle childhood obesity with the launch of the “Let’s Move” campaign. Please provide comments and suggestions. Exciting stuff!

Dear Mrs. Obama,

Thank you for being a champion of wellness for America’s future. I’m writing to ask you to consider involvement in my family’s effort to promote this cause.

In April, my husband, my children (ages four and two), and I will embark on a bike trip across America to raise awareness for family engagement, health, and environmental issues.

We’re creating partnerships to further joint causes through this creative medium. Many caring individuals bike across the country to raise money and awareness for an established cause like M.S. or breast cancer. Our straightforward decision to raise awareness for family engagement and health isn’t as tangible or conventional as other bikers’, but we feel that it will be incredibly impactful, since our message will be authentic, directed, and demonstrated through our family ride.

Is there an avenue through which the government, administration, or first family might like to participate in this endeavor? We are inviting sponsorships, partnerships, and the participation of riders and families.  We would love to have you along for the ride.

Please consider joining us in this epic adventure, which is a tremendous opportunity to strengthen families and communities across the nation, bring timely awareness to critical issues, and to inspire healthy solutions for America’s youth.

Thank you for your consideration and response.


 Kate Murr


Jan 21 2010

Letter from Earl

Kate Murr

Earl and Judy are friends of Elaine, Stuart’s mom. Earl sent Elaine this note the other day after visiting our website. (I added a little punctuation, Earl. Hope you don’t mind that I share it here. It taught me a lot, and I thought others might enjoy the read.)

“Hi, WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!!! I wish I had the guts to do that, It certainly sounds like something which would make an indelible impression on your life and create memories which will be with you forever. It does sound crazy, but why should you live your life without doing something which you would live the rest of your life regretting that you never did. Thinking back over my life, I have regrets of things which I have had opportunities which I never pursued because I was to conservative and listened to people who thought they had better insights than I.

“They sound like they have thought this out and have it well planned. OF Course there are dangers, but isn’t life full of what ifs and regrets for things which we have done and for things which we haven’t. What a great time to bond with your children and maybe instill in them something that will be with them for the rest of their lives.

“Life is not just about doing the mundane and never venturing out on a limb. Maybe that’s where I am, full of regrets and becoming an old man who looks back to much.

“Longfellow said it thusly in the “Psalm of Life”: “Trust no future however pleasant, Let the dead past bury is dead, Act, Act in the living present, Heart within and God overhead.”

“Put them in Gods hands and as the hymn writer wrote: “Be not dismayed whatever betide. God will take care of you.”

“What more can we do? The prayer of a righteous man availed much, I may not be all that righteous but they will be in our prayers, and so will you.”


Jan 18 2010

Jane 1.17.10

Kate Murr

“Brady, don’t throw Baby on the ground! If you do, he’ll get wet. You will just cry, and we don’t want to hear it.”


Jan 14 2010

Welcome to our new website!

Kate Murr

Skye generously helped set this up tonight, and he brought us frozen meat. Thanks, Skye. You’re a real champion gentleman (see how I didn’t mention the meat was a re-gift?). Thanks to all the friends who have helped us travel this far.


Oct 13 2009

Glee! Maps! Woe.

Kate Murr

This update includes tales of glee and woe; Glee first.

Our Maps have arrived! Eyes a’ twinkle Stuart devoured each segment of the journey, just to explore. They actually are pretty cool! They’re built for cyclists, with compact design, and are sturdy, lightweight, and easily packable. They include information not available on typical road maps designed for motorists; for example, the locations of bike shops, sources for food and water, and listings of overnight accommodations, especially camping facilities and small motels. To see pictures visit the adventure cycling website here: http://www.adventurecycling.org/routes/maps.cfm.

These maps are supplement to the 3×4 ft. US map adorning our dining room (aka. Mission Control), which has our map routed and our mileage marked at intervals so that we see on a daily basis the full 4403.2 mile game plan. (I’ll talk about the proposed route in entirety in a separate post…or several…)

We’ve started making a comprehensive budget for gear and supplies, and we’re writing language akin to business-plan-speak to pitch to sponsors, potential partners, and media outlets. We’re clarifying our intention and motivation for taking the trip, which centers around the experience itself (see mission statement post). We’re still determining whether or not we should align ourselves with a cause, and what cause that might be.

If you have any suggestions for media outlets (parenting/family, exploring/adventure, biking, or conservation oriented blogs or magazines) please post them below. Likewise, if you or your business would like to sponsor us or donate to our trip, or if you have any suggestions for sponsors, please express your interest below and we will contact you with more detailed information. We hope to have our website up and running soon, and you will then be able to direct your friends there to check out our unfolding story.

Woah. With all this glee, I almost forgot the woe…

MY BIKE WAS STOLEN! ARRRRRGGGGG! We’re planning on purchasing (better, receiving!) new touring bikes for the trip. However, Judy, my mountain bike, was stolen from a friend’s porch the other day. While this is a setback to our weekend rides, we hope to have new bikes very soon, and intend to do a practice ride on segments of the Natchez Trace trail before Thanksgiving.

Finally, Jane has declared that she will need new bike shoes for the trip: She says she will outgrow the ones she has in no time. Also, she asked if we would be able to camp out every night on our trip, and pointed out that when it is bedtime here it is still the middle of the day in China, which makes it hard to fall asleep, sometimes.

Thank you, again, for your continued support, feedback, and suggestions!
